Reading Resources
Executive Transition: Articles, Studies and Books
- The Leadership In Leaving, Building Movement Project
- Daring to Lead, CompassPoint and the Meyer Foundation
- Encore Career Choices: Purpose, Passion and a Paycheck in a Tough Economy, MetLife Foundation/Civic Ventures Report
- Founder Transitions: Creating Good Endings and New Beginnings, The Annie E. Casey Foundation
- Interim Executive Directors: The Power in the Middle, CompassPoint
- Founders and Other Gods, by Deb Linnell, Nonprofit Quarterly
- Tips on Navigating the New Midlife Stage, by Kerry Hannon, USA Today
Transition to Retirement: Books, Audio Clips, and Articles
- New Roles, Few Rules: Planning for Purpose Beyond Position, Building Movement Project
- What’s Next? Baby Boom-Age Leaders in Social Change Nonprofits, Building Movement Project
- The New Life Cycle of Work – Long Term Nonprofit Leaders Prepare for Their Futures, Building Movement Project
- The Next Stage: Leaving Long Term Leadership, Building Movement Project
- Transitions – Making Sense of Life’s Changes, William Bridges
- Falling Upward – A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life, Richard Rohr
- The Third Chapter – Passion, Risk and Adventure in the 25 Years After 50, Sara Lawrence Lightfoot
- Inside E Street (AARP/PBS) is a nonpartisan program focused specifically on policies and issues affecting those 50-plus. Visit AARP.ORG
- Working Past Retirement Age, Meaningfully, a 30-min. audio clip on Talk of the Nation (NPR)
- Too Young to Be Old, by Mary Beth Franklin, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance
- Fears and Opportunities on the Road to Retirement, by Alina Tugend, The New York Times
- Composing a Further Life – The Age of Active Wisdom, Catherine Bateson
- Primetime – How Baby Boomers will Revolutionize Retirement and Transform America, Mark Freedman
- No! I Don’t Want to Join a Book Club: Diary of a Sixtieth Year, Virginia Ironside
- Mindsight – The New Science of Personal Transformation, Dan Siegel
- Counter Clockwise – Mindful Health and the Power of Possibility, Ellen Sanger
- Leading from the Emerging Future – From Ego-Systems to Eco-System Economies, Otto Scharmer, Katrin Kaeufer
- The Big Shift: Navigating the New Stage Beyond Midlife, Marc Freedman
- RetireGuide. For general retirement guide, Click Here
- RetireGuide-Medicare. For Medicare retirement guide, Click Here